Thursday, October 11, 2012

Politics, again. Controversy ahead.

I posted this as a link to my blog so that you can choose to click or disregard. You don't have to agree with my opinions. The bills at the bottom-not opinions. This is not meant to offend anyone and I realize and respect that my friends and family may not completely agree. I love that about this country-we are free to have and express our opinions and hopefully, those of us that are educated, can remain friends at the end of the day. I believe we all ultimately want the same thing as good human beings-a safe and secure world.
It is my opinion that there is no such thing as a fiscal conservative and a social democrat. These things are not separate. You chose fiscal over social you can't say I am ok with the gays and women's rights and then vote for people that will rip apart these issues for the religious right. Saying you are a fiscal conservative but a social democrat is a cop out. Yeah, I said it. I feel strongly about social issues, because they affect my friends and family members that identify themselves as gay, transgender, female, single, unemployed (not due to laziness), educated and struggling.
I don't agree with absolutely every democratic view and I don't disagree with every republican view. I just believe more democratic views are better for the majority of Americans and children.
That's my opinion and I understand and accept it may not be yours-whoever you are.

I enjoyed living in a swing least my vote counted and I was able to truly hear both candidates and make more informed decisions. Electoral college-blah. That being said,
Candidate Romney, well spoken, but confusing as ever...pick a stance you can't please everyone as you stated in your now so popular 47%speech. When you say you are for 100% of the people that is surely the 100% of the 53% left after you deducted the lazy freeloaders? How Obama was not able to fight him on this debate is beyond me-he needs to start waking up and explaining to people the things he has done. Too many look at the things they read in a forwarded email or FB group post (I did this once-I was horrified at my lack of responsibility, but it won't happen again) and think Truth-I hate Obama! Yay! Winning! Go team other guys!

Candidate Ryan should come to second grade and I can teach him the difference between fiction and non-fiction. He obviously enjoys make believe pretend time. I lose respect for people that pretend they are going to help the middle class people when in reality they have a history of voting the opposite. Also, I respect your faith, but it does not belong in my government policy. I respect your faith, please respect science, which is not life at conception, and my choices. This is just ridiculous. Biden could not have been more well spoken on this issue amongst the others. Oh, and the car accident story to prove Romney bought a guy's college tuition (and his vote) -what a dick move. Did he know about Biden's wife and child? I believe so, but I'd like to hope not. I truly wish Biden would've run for president four years ago. He is amazing, educated and lives in reality. Also, vote for men that want to cut education? No thanks. Men that support a voucher type system that will destroy public schools (with the exception of charter schools-which is another topic for me entirely. I have several friends that work at charter schools in different states and I love them dearly, but charter schools are not a real picture of public school systems and have access to more perks and loopholes) Say what you will...
Democrats aren't perfect-no party is. This being said I truly believe middle class (majority) Americans and those that believe in human rights strongly as well as education and community including women's health, need to truly look deeper into the difference between republicans and democrats.

Republican blocked or attempted blocks on bills and bill amendments since Obama took office: in other words-republicans in congress did not want these bills:

Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas- A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas. Republicans blocked this, allowing companies to keep the tax break they receive when they ship jobs to other countries.
The Small Business Jobs Act -would give LOCAL, community banks access to billions of dollars to loan to small businesses. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed.
The DREAM Act- Gives immigrant youth who were brought here as children a path to citizenship by earning a college degree or serving the military for 2 years. Republicans blocked this.
Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”- Would have repealed the law that forces gay and lesbian services members to lie about their sexuality and gives the military the right to discharge soldiers based on their sexuality. Republicans blocked this many times and Democrats were finally able to pass it with the support of just 2 Republicans.
Veteran's jobs bill-blocked by republicans-(only five R voted in favor)
Student loans-Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would have frozen student loan interest rates before they are set to double on July 1.
Paycheck Fairness Act –this bill would have mandated pay fairness and prohibited pay discrimination based on sex this would have created fair workplace system with regard to pay. In other words, Republicans voted in favor of paying women less money for the same job.

- Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act – This bill would have provided for research into women’s health issues, specifically regarding post-partum health. - this bill was finally passed as an add on the Pres. Obamas health care bill.

Elder Abuse Victims Act – This bill would address legal issues regarding the elderly, and establish policies and procedures designed to minimize the negative effects of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit discrimination and acts of reprisal against persons who receive treatment for illnesses, injuries, and disabilities incurred in or aggravated by service in the uniformed services.

Radioactive Import Deterrence Act –this bill would prohibit the issuance of licenses to import of low-level nuclear material and waste to this country. It specifically exempts nuclear waste belonging to the United States, and it allows the president to make exceptions where necessary. Land of the free and radioactive?

Vision Care for Kids Act – Of course, this would provide eyesight screening for children who do not have insurance that covers this, and help provide them with glasses.

Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act – This bill would allow federal employees to substitute any available paid leave for any unpaid leave for “either the: (1) birth of a child; or (2) placement of a child with the employee for either adoption or foster care. Makes available (subject to specified requirements) for any of the 12 weeks of leave an employee is entitled to for such purposes: (1) four administrative weeks of paid parental leave in connection with the birth or placement involved; and (2) any accumulated annual or sick leave. it allows federal money to take money they are already entitled to sooner than perhaps they originally planned. The actual net cost to the federal government would essentially be zero dollars above what they would already pay.

Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act – This bill would actually improve oversight and prevent child abuse in group homes.

Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act- The intent of this bill is to crack down on aIien smuggling and provide for better border enforcement and stiffer penalties for violators. In other words, it does many of the things Jan Brewer is pıssed off about in Arizona.

- Veterans Retraining Act – This bill would provide for assistance to help veterans who are currently unemployed with their expenses while retraining for the current job market.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I have had a very interesting school year. Yes, that is how I chose to start this long postponed blog. Interesting.
I have students with very big troubles this year-and since I am not technically allowed to go into details, I'll just say the law has been involved and I have about 4 students with major internal issues on topics that usually don't get addressed until highschool.
It's been tough. However, I have some amazing students as well. Amazing doesn't always mean intelligent. It means wonderful, caring and loving students. These are the ones that keep me there this year. I have always been known to attach to my troubled students, this year my troubled students are very detached and much more than typical troubled. If I had to handle only them, I'd be great, but unfortunately that is not the way our school system works. This semester I have vowed to start over with them and give them my 100% best. So far January has been a little better. I think I needed the break as much or more than they did.
As for my life outside of work-I cannot continue to shout how much I have been blessed in my personal life. I have never felt happier and more confident in my personal life. I have created some strong relationships with amazing people and I don't know what I would do without any of them! It is so nice to be accepted and not judged for my thoughts, fears, views and loves. Especially after being judged so much growing up. I must say, my late twenties have been amazing and I hope this last year is even better. 30 is one short year away and I am not sure how I will handle it. I do know that no matter what I have people around me to help me out and support me and steer me back on the right path in life. When I question my own choices and motives they are there to listen and offer guidance.
Without that guidance, I may be in a very different place right now. ha-ha. :) That's for you fab-5! Perhaps, you could say I'd be in a foreign land? Love!
I have missed some amazing things too, which makes me a little sad. The birth of my rock of a best friend's daughter Elyse. I have lost touch along the way with another dear friend Anne and hope to renew that friendship-I don't blame her for being out of touch, I too have responsibility in this. That is why I must also make a renewed effort. She has also given birth to a beautiful little girl-only hours before my brithday! I feel that certain family members have lost touch with me and it makes me sad, but when things are out of your hands you can't change them. I am thankful for webcams and video mail-I get all the updates from my brother and his family constantly. I also get to see and hear Elyse, Faith's daughter. I guess when you put distance between you, you find out who cares the most to make time and who lets life become an excuse to get in the way. Sometimes, as stated above, it is both parties that let go, but I have come to see that in most cases it has been a very one sided effort of phone calls and text messages etc. and when it is a one sided effort-there isn't much you can do. It hurts, but it's life. In life I choose to move on and be thankful for the amazing people I do have in my life. LOVE!
Kingman is not an exciting town. It is small and lacks diversity in every aspect. However, it is close to interesting things and I have family and friends here as well as a job that I truly do love. I am learning that it is not where you are, but who you surround yourself with that makes for a happy experience.
I am very excited to see my extended family back in PA in June for my cousin's wedding. It will be so nice to see all of my Dagres family again. Loud, disruptive and full of love.
I am also very excited to head up to northern Cali in less than one month to visit Amanda! A nice long weekend of wine, conversation and visiting with her amazing family. :) can't wait!
I guess the real reason I chose to blog today was because I cannot talk. I have been plagued with some kind of chest/sinus sickness that has made my voice disappear and replaced it with a pubescent boy's voice mixed with a chain smoking old man.