When you start a relationship, more so when you begin living together, you notice little quirks your "other" has. After awhile you modify your lives in compromise and learn to live with these quirks in peace. What happens when they begin developing new quirks somewhere in the middle of the relationship and you forget how to deal and the compromise only gets you so far? These quirks are disturbing my sleep time and I truly need my sleep time when and however I can get it. Just a thought really. I too have my annoying quirks. A random relationship thought.
I am thankful for my supportive and loving husband. Although we argue and bicker we truly do care about each other and I know, as does he, that we will support each other when we really need it.
I cannot believe we will have been married for almost four years and together for almost nine. Seriously, has anyone seen my youth? I am in my late twenties and for some reason am having a hard time remembering what life was like in the early ones. My best friend is having a baby...A BABY! It is so exciting and yet so hard to believe that we were beginning our friendship when were just young kiddos and now she is having a baby!
It is truly amazing to think about who you knew and what you thought you knew about life as a youth. Then you grow up, too quickly, and see who is still standing beside you and find out what you thought you knew was WAY off. I am so happy that I still have friends from years ago that are standing beside me and involved in my life. We are spread out across the country and I feel like when we see eachother no amount of time ever passed. These people saw me at my lowest, my highest and everything in between and know my faults, my beliefs and my history and still love me and care about me. For that I am incredibly thankful. Thank you.
Another random note: thanks goodness for supporting parents. They may drive you crazy and annoy you at times, but guess what they feel the same way about you. You drive them crazy and annoy them, but they will always care about you and love you and be there for you from the smallest to the largest moments in your life. I am thankful to have supportive parents when I know there are people that do not have this in their lives.
I am also thankful for my beliefs and my spirituality, even though it doesn't always shine through and I prefer to keep it quite private. I am always saying how I need to get back into the structure of it and really live it. I just feel comfort in knowing that I do not believe in a vindictive and judgemental God/Gods/Etc so I know that, while I don't approve of myself for this, they will support me as I them when needed and when not needed regardless of my time spent on prayer, meditation and ritual. I am thankful to have this kind of support in my faith.
I am also thankful for my new friends here in Arizona. While I truly am not as happy here as I could be else where in this world, I have finally found solace in friendships that have progressed and flourished here. Some people are just happy aquaintances and others real friends that I know have my back and I know I can vent to and call and go out and just enjoy their company. It took me awhile to adjust, but I think I have adjusted as much as I ever will to this area and am just thankful to have found people to help make that adjustment better.
Glad your writing again. You were and always will be great with words. I love you and i'm glad you love me. Despite all the differences that make us individuals theres so many things that make us one. I appreciate everything that makes you well; you. I know that at times we can frustrate, annoy, and flat out despise each others actions but in the end your for me and i'm for you. Just like a puzzle. We flat out just fit. Penguins. Your my best friend. I love you.