The real reason I write today is not about job stress, but about the stress of being a woman.
I will only have time for two of the many issues we as women are plagued with in our deepest darkest psyches.
Lets start with weight issues. No female in this world can look at their own body naked from multiple angles and say, "wow, my body is rockin' awesome! I am perfect!" If you think differently, you are a terrible liar.
This is the way we are programmed from the time we are children. Commercials, magazines, gender roles, social norms and peers drill into our minds that we must look and act accordingly to find happiness, wealth and prosperity in life and relationships.
I have battled back and forth over the years since adolescence with self image and body issues. What girl hasn't experienced this throughout their life?
"me" says the girl in the back...
"LIAR!" says I.
We partake in pills, creams, potions and surgeons in an attempt to correct all of our 'problems.' My husband asked me, "why can't you just be happy being healthy and stop worrying about your weight; I think your beautiful that is all that matters." While I thought about how sweet he was being and knowing that he should be the only one with an opinion about my image I also considered an answer to his inquiry.
Women can stop worrying about their body image when men stop buying, selling, viewing and admiring women that are the stereotypical 'perfect' woman. Start investing in big girl porn and admiring Lane Bryant catalogs and I will stop worrying about my image.
I have no issues with big girls, in fact I know a few who I envy for their beauty and personality, not one or the other. They are fun and don't give a F@#% about what anyone thinks. They have gorgeous features and intelligence. However, I know that being even 'average' in size for women can be depressing so I know that these women I find beautiful have moments of depression when examining their bodies in the mirror as well. That goes for celebrity envy as well. Think of the perfect celebrity female. I know that this person has self doubt and image issues and envies someone just as I envy her. I swear it is a sad world for us ladies!
I was thinking of this today when I found myself on the scale being mad at only losing 18 pounds and not 28. I couldn't be happy at the 18 pound weight loss I had to see more. Then I found myself criticizing my image in the mirror while wondering why I just can't lose the weight from the area I want to, instead of being happy that I lost it in the other places. So I will continue working out and never indulging in even the occasional guilty pleasure food until I see what I want to see. Of course I never will, because after 28 lbs will come the need for 35 and then 40 and so on.
I am woman hear me the scale.
Stressor number two: child birth.
I will leave you with a few random questions we women will ask ourselves and this should give you an insight into the stress. These questions go beyond the physical pain of child birth.
When is the right time to have a child? Am I still a real woman if I can't get pregnant? What if I am just not maternal? What if the baby is hurt while I am carrying? Does it make me less of a mother to adopt? Am I selfish for waiting? What if I can't deliver or there are complications? What about the pain? What if my significant other doesn't want children? What if I am single for another 10 years? Should I adopt or use fertilization if I am single in 10 years? What if I get postpartum depression, What about the money it takes to raise a child? What about stretch marks and weight gain? (ties into the previous stressor)
Seriously being a woman makes my head hurt. Ironically enough it also makes my back, sides, breasts, feet, neck, vagina and shoulders hurt too; at the very least once a month, but usually more.