Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well we finally have it all figured out. Our modification is in the works and we are getting back on track. I have realized through this that it is time for a change.
As a result of all this madness I appreciate my home so much more. I have decided, with Jeff, that we need to stop putting off the 'to do' list for the house and start putting more work and love into our home.

Work and love are kinda expensive.

I purchased a new dining room table, four chairs, two bar stools, paint for the living room accent wall and I am in the process of hiring someone to refinish the stucco on the side of the house. We are also paying for a weeding service (in my anger of losing my home we let the weeds grow wild for the new owners-whoops) and landscaping the back yard. We are thinking of extending the patio and laying rock in the back yard. Our grand total - too much!

Thank you Visa!

I am still not a huge fan of the Kingman area, but I am thankful that we both have jobs here and that now we have a lower and affordable house payment. I am also thankful to have people here in this town that I can truly call friends. I have family here and more coming to town so I guess sticking around for awhile may not be so bad after all.

I still can't believe it is over. This whole house thing is over - finally! No more negativity for me!
I feel positive and more in touch with my spirituality through this whole ordeal. Strength and wisdom and sanity have been restored to me through all of these experiences and I thank 'them' for guiding me on my way.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness that is over with! How stressful! I'm so glad the modification turned out to be legit! :)
