Saturday, April 17, 2010

WOW. What a day. I am in total disbelief.

We were set to move in to our rental and sign our lease with down payment on Monday. I have boxes at the house and was ready to start packing this weekend. I even had a last hurrah with the ladies last night to smell some candles and enjoy company in my home for the last time.

This morning I read my e-mail and things have changed on us once again. This time we actually have good news.

In my e-mail today I opened a letter from our a-hole mrtgage company. It stated that we have been approved for an in house modification plan direct through the company. This means that if we continue to make our modified payment on time for one year we will be back on track and be able to stay in our home. I e-mailed my Mom this morning
"What the fuck is this? Is it for real?"
It is. Although I have a hard time trusting it and don't want to get too excited yet, it is real.
Talk about timing.
One part of me wants to scream and yell, "Who the hell do these people think they are?" They put us through emotional hell and our family and even all of our friends that went on this ride with us. Our friends and family have been there through the whole process. They have given support and an ear to listen and a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. When we were denied repeatedly for modifications and our interest rate continued to raise over the past year beyond what we could afford these people were there with us.
As I stated in previous blogs, I am so thankful for them all. Family and friends. After this we all deserve a cookie! My brother for listening to me on my drunken anger rampages; my Mom for countless phone calls and paper work; my Dad for dealing with my foul mouth during this ordeal (not that he has any right to judge!); My husband who has been on this ride with me and dealt with my emotional insanity; and my friends both near and far, old and new, for being so supportive and amazing. We are truly lucky to know so many great people.
The other part of me wants to cry tears of joy and go on a major spending spree on things for our house. We have already discussed the landscaping, tile, stucco touch up and painting an accent wall in the living room. It's our house again and we can do whatever we want to it!
Everything is still sinking in for me. I have a hard time believing it is all real. After everything we have gone through this past year.
This economy is a great deal of trouble. Home owners and working class people losing their homes and jobs and money being cut for education and public services at the state level. This is ridiculous! I just dodged a bullet. I am one of the lucky ones.


  1. Yay!! I'm so happy for you guys, Tara!!! Looks like God was really looking out for you! Congrats!!!

  2. So glad you got good news for a change. I hope this is the real deal and you can happily fix up your lovely house. Joan
